2013 just came to an end and I want to tell you about it. This year my family got a swimming pool. It is a salt water pool and is 13 feet with a cave.When the workers were done with the digging I thought it was 18 feet deep. It took 2 moths to finish the pool. The outside of it had a fir place, a grill,and a walk in into the pool. My dad, brother,and I went deep sea fishing in Seattle. When we went we got up at 4:30 and went and met our guide. Then we went fishing and we caught 32 flounder they are a flat fish that lives at the bottom of the ocean. This year I want to pass the star test. I want to shoot my first pig. I want to stop chewing on my fingers. I want to learn how to clean fish. I want to read Dairy of a wimpy kid, Old yeller, Hunger Games, and Jackie and Me.