
slide 1

A Goobook Studios Production


Date October 9,2015 class period 4 names Tysen,Zane,Graham
slide 2 objective

Objective Is for us to create a Google  Presentation to demonstrate conceptual knowledge of writing and solving equations, and we’ll use knowledge we have gained from the first 9 week period.We will also use the real numbers property, and the properties of equality.

Definition for equation = a statement that values of two mathematical expressions are equal indicated by equal sign =.

slide 3 demanstration


                                                     ¼ x 4/1 x = ⅖ x ¼

                                              x = 2/20


You have 4 so you would put one under the four so it looks like this 4/1. Then multiply it by ¼ which is the multiplicative inverse, and you have to do it to the other side too.

slide 4 demanstration


x-5/20 = 8/20   Get a common denominator

+5/20   +5/20 8/20 + 5/20 = 13/20

x=13/20 The addition property of equality is shown by add 5/20 to both sides.

Slide 5 demanstration

15-⅔  x=20

-⅔ x=5        -3/2 x -⅔ x=5/1 x 3/2 = 15/2  


You used subtraction property of equality by subtracting 15 from both sides. You used multiplicative inverse by multiplying -⅔ times -3/2. Then you do it to the other side to multiplying 5/1x-3/2.

slide 6 demanstration



       -6    -6        5-2x=-29        

                           -5     -5        -2x divided by -34

x=17           You used distributive property by multiplying -2 x x and -2 x -3. Division property of equality is show by -2x divided by -2 and -2 divided by -34

Example Slide 7

Prince Fielder has hit 20 home runs and he hits 2 every game. Josh Hamilton hit 25 home runs he hits 1 every game. In how many games will they have the same amount of homeruns?

Slide 8 answer for slide 7


     -1x     -1x


-20      -20



You used subtraction property of equality by subtracting 20 from both sides.




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