
slide 1

A Goobook Studios Production


Date October 9,2015 class period 4 names Tysen,Zane,Graham
slide 2 objective

Objective Is for us to create a Google  Presentation to demonstrate conceptual knowledge of writing and solving equations, and we’ll use knowledge we have gained from the first 9 week period.We will also use the real numbers property, and the properties of equality.

Definition for equation = a statement that values of two mathematical expressions are equal indicated by equal sign =.

slide 3 demanstration


                                                     ¼ x 4/1 x = ⅖ x ¼

                                              x = 2/20


You have 4 so you would put one under the four so it looks like this 4/1. Then multiply it by ¼ which is the multiplicative inverse, and you have to do it to the other side too.

slide 4 demanstration


x-5/20 = 8/20   Get a common denominator

+5/20   +5/20 8/20 + 5/20 = 13/20

x=13/20 The addition property of equality is shown by add 5/20 to both sides.

Slide 5 demanstration

15-⅔  x=20

-⅔ x=5        -3/2 x -⅔ x=5/1 x 3/2 = 15/2  


You used subtraction property of equality by subtracting 15 from both sides. You used multiplicative inverse by multiplying -⅔ times -3/2. Then you do it to the other side to multiplying 5/1x-3/2.

slide 6 demanstration



       -6    -6        5-2x=-29        

                           -5     -5        -2x divided by -34

x=17           You used distributive property by multiplying -2 x x and -2 x -3. Division property of equality is show by -2x divided by -2 and -2 divided by -34

Example Slide 7

Prince Fielder has hit 20 home runs and he hits 2 every game. Josh Hamilton hit 25 home runs he hits 1 every game. In how many games will they have the same amount of homeruns?

Slide 8 answer for slide 7


     -1x     -1x


-20      -20



You used subtraction property of equality by subtracting 20 from both sides.




Three Long Years

We haven’t been on a field trip in three years. I think we should go somewhere special like Hawaii. I think it’s educational and enjoyable.

I think it would be very enjoyable. However, you get to see all the cool animals.
For example, like the first time you go to the zoo and get to see all the animals for your first time. Perhaps you would get to play on the beach before and after you go snorkeling. Fortunately, you be with your friends. For example, like when you go to the beach and there is nobody to place well now you have your friends to play with.

I think it can be educational too. Of course, you would get to see the fish working in their ecosystem. Although, you might get to some endangered animals like the Hawksbill turtle. Maybe, you would get to see how the food chain works like a huge fish eating a miniature fish.

So do you think we should go on this trip? It’s enjoyable and educational right.

The One Who Cares

My father was raised on the same farm as me. He had a hard life his aunt died at 18 and his dad at 43. His mom had to raise him but, she died when he was in college. I admire my father because he helps me and protects me.

My father is always there to help me. Of course, my father taught me how to play baseball. Like when I hit my first home run. As As soon as I started to get homework in school he checked it for me. Like when I was in the third grade and I did not know how to divide. Perhaps, he yelled at me but that’s because he cared.

He has always protected me. Fortunately my father taught me gun safety. He said always treated treat a gun as it’s loaded. However, my father told me to Stay away from 4 wheels because they are dangerous. On the other hand, he said never do drugs or drink and drive. He told me if I ever have to much to drink call him and ask him to come get me.

I hope one day I can be just like my father. Be there to teach my kids how to play sports, help them with homework, and protect them and that is why I admire him so much.